When I go out locally I find it difficult to walk far or use a wheelchair and would like to know what facilities are available
If you are anxious or worried about walking when away from your home, it may be helpful to speak to a physiotherapist about suitable walking aids and/or ways to improve your walking ability. For more information, please visit: https://www.nhstayside.scot.nhs.uk/OurServicesA-Z/Physiotherapy/PROD_268310/index.htm
If you want to look at ways of improving your fitness, please visit: https://angusalive.scot/countryside-adventures/healthy-steps-angus/
If you find it difficult to walk any distance in the community, you may be eligible for a Blue Badge, for more information please visit: https://www.angus.gov.uk/roads_parking_and_travel/parking/blue_badges
Alternatively, to find services and support groups available in your area, please visit: https://anguscommunityconnector.org.uk/