Local help for those who may become confused or muddled when going out
Often talking this over with someone who understands this difficulty can either allay your fears or give you advice on what to do. There may be different solutions like a community alarm or GPS locators/watches that can keep you safe when you are away from your home and out in the community.
The Community Alarm Service have a number of solutions that may be suitable and there may also be the option of trialling these for a short period of time. If you would like to discuss possible options further, please contact your community care worker or phone the Angus Council Contact Centre on 03452 777 778.
You can also get in touch with Alzheimer's Scotland for advice by using the details below. Contact information: website: Alzheimer's Scotland, phone: 0808 808 3000. If you worried when you are out in the community about getting lost or are worried about someone getting lost, you may want to consider whether there are is any technology solutions that might be suitable. For more information, please visit: https://www.meetadam.org/
If you have dementia or are worried about someone who has dementia, you can consider filling out the Herbert Protocol form in the event they become missing. The form asks for information to be provided on places of that are important to the person with dementia or are often visited places. In addition to this, health issues and places they have been found in the past if reported missing is also requested. Ownership and responsibility for updating the form remains with the family. For more information, please visithttps://www.scotland.police.uk/what-s-happening/missing-persons/the-herbert-protocol/