Ageing Well Angus

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Groups that can help with maintaining a healthy weight

If your clothes size has increased in the last 3 to 6 months and is something that you would like help with, you may find that exercising or participating in group activities may help. If you don't feel confident, we have found going with someone you know might help. There are a variety of exercise opportunities run by Angus Alive.

These are available in the leisure centres, sports centres and local swimming pools across Angus. For more information on programmes and charges, please contact your local leisure facility or Angus Council Contact Centre on 03452 777 778. If you are living with a long term condition and aren't sure what physical activity could improve your health and wellbeing, you can contact staff involved with the Be Active Live Well program.

If you want to lose weight, then there are a number of local weight management groups held throughout Angus. NHS Tayside also deliver a dietetics service. To find out more, please visit visit For information about a range of topics, please visit To find out about different community supports in Angus click here for more information about the Community Connector